Kitchen Cabinet Trends: An Expert Guide for Myrtle Beach Homeowners

Kitchen Cabinet Trends: An Expert Guide for Myrtle Beach Homeowners

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

If you’re planning on renovating your kitchen, choosing the right cabinets is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Cabinets not only take up a significant amount of space in your kitchen, but they also play a major role in determining its overall look and feel.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest kitchen cabinet trends that homeowners in Myrtle Beach, SC, should consider. From color trends to material choices, hiring professionals to cost considerations, we’ll cover all the bases. So, let’s dive in!

One of the biggest trends in kitchen cabinet design right now is simplicity. In today’s fast-paced world, many homeowners are looking for kitchen cabinets that are elegant, straightforward, and easy to maintain. So, it’s no surprise that minimalist designs are gaining in popularity.

Another popular trend is the use of open shelving. Open shelving can give your kitchen a more spacious, modern feel. It also allows you to showcase your dishes and kitchenware while keeping everything within easy reach. However, keep in mind that open shelving requires more upkeep than traditional cabinets, as it tends to collect dust and dirt more easily.

Finally, homeowners are increasingly opting for kitchen cabinets that are both functional and stylish. This means that cabinets are being designed with clever storage solutions, such as pull-out racks, built-in organizers, and hidden compartments.

When it comes to color trends in kitchen cabinet design, white has been the go-to choice for many years. And while white cabinets are still popular, we’re seeing more and more homeowners branch out into other hues.

For example, darker, richer colors like navy blue and forest green are becoming popular choices. These colors can add depth and richness to your kitchen while still maintaining a modern, sophisticated look.

On the other end of the spectrum, light pastel shades like blush pink and light blue are also rising in popularity. These colors can give your kitchen a soft, calming feel that’s perfect for busy mornings.

One of the most exciting trends in the world of kitchen cabinets is the use of reclaimed and sustainable materials. Not only are these materials environmentally friendly, but they also add character and a sense of history to your space.

Another trend we’re seeing is the use of mixed materials. For example, combining wood and glass can create a unique, eye-catching look for your kitchen cabinets. Similarly, the use of metal and stone can add a touch of industrial chic to your space.

Hiring Professionals

While DIY projects can be fun and rewarding, when it comes to renovating your kitchen and choosing new cabinets, it’s always best to consult with a professional. Not only can a professional help you choose the right cabinets for your space and budget, but they can also ensure that your cabinets are installed correctly and safely.

At Deluxe Art Home Improvement, our team is made up of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your dream kitchen. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and needs, and we use our expertise to guide them through the entire process, from design to installation.

Cost Considerations

Kitchen cabinet renovation can be a major investment, but it’s important to keep in mind that the cost can vary greatly depending on factors like the material, design, and installation requirements. At Deluxe Art Home Improvement, we offer a wide range of products and services to fit any budget. We can also help you explore financing options to make your dream kitchen a reality.

While we can’t predict the future, one trend that seems to be gaining momentum is the use of smart technology for kitchen cabinets. Imagine being able to control the lighting in your cabinets, or even the temperature of your food storage, with the touch of a button. As technology continues to evolve, we’re excited to see how it will be integrated into kitchen cabinet design.


Choosing the right kitchen cabinets can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance and expertise, it can also be a fun and exciting process. By keeping up with current trends in color and materials, consulting with professionals, and being mindful of cost considerations, homeowners in Myrtle Beach, SC, can create a kitchen that’s both practical and stylish.

At Deluxe Art Home Improvement, we’re proud to offer a wide range of high-quality products and services to help homeowners achieve the kitchen of their dreams. Our experienced team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and workmanship, and we’re confident that we can exceed your expectations.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right kitchen cabinets can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to create a space that truly reflects your style and personality. By working with professionals, exploring different materials and color options, and keeping an eye on future trends, you can create a kitchen that’s both beautiful and functional.

At Deluxe Art Home Improvement, we’re dedicated to helping homeowners in Myrtle Beach, SC, create the kitchen of their dreams. With our experienced team, commitment to customer satisfaction, and innovative approach to design and installation, we’re confident that we can help you achieve your goals.

In conclusion, the kitchen is the heart of the home and deserves attention when it comes to renovation. The right cabinets can make all the difference in both functionality and aesthetics. As this blog has shown, current trends include simplicity, open shelving, and functional storage solutions. Color trends range from classic white cabinets to rich navy blues and pastel shades. The use of sustainable and mixed materials adds an interesting touch, and professionals can guide you through the process of choosing and installing the right cabinets for your space. Although a kitchen renovation can be a significant investment, it’s worth it to create a space that you love. At Deluxe Art Home Improvement, we believe in helping our clients achieve their dream kitchens with high-quality products and exceptional service.

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Lucas Bernardes, founder of Deluxe Art Home Improvement, is renowned for transforming living spaces. Passionate about creating personalized environments, he devotes dedicated time to understand each client's vision. With a wide range of expertise, Lucas excels in crafting unique journeys from dream spaces to reality. Under his leadership, the Deluxe Art team is committed to delivering exceptional experiences and exceeding expectations in every project.