Welcome to Deluxe Rewards

Deluxe Rewards is the industry's leading and genuine home improvement rewards program, meticulously designed by Deluxe Art Home Improvement. Here, partners have the unique opportunity to earn tangible income through their referrals.
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    Deluxe Rewards

    Earn Extra Income and Offer Premium Home Improvement Services with Deluxe Rewards Referral Program

    The Deluxe Rewards program is a referral program offered by Deluxe Art Home Improvement that allows Realtors to earn a commission on any home improvement services purchased by customers they refer to us. By participating in the program, Realtors can earn extra income while providing their customers with access to our high quality services.

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    Benefits of the Program Include

    Competitive commission structure

    Partners can earn a percentage of the total cost of any job completed as a result of a referral. The commission percentage may be subject to negotiation on a case-by-case basis.

    Real cash

    Partners will receive an authentic check from Deluxe Art Home Improvement, reflecting their designated commission percentage from the project's total value.

    Reporting and Analytics

    Partners will be granted access to a dedicated dashboard or portal, allowing them to seamlessly monitor their referrals and track their accumulated earnings.

    Marketing and Promotion

    Partners will be provided with comprehensive marketing materials, enabling them to effectively communicate the value and benefits of Deluxe Art Home Improvement to potential customers and illustrate why choosing us is the optimal decision.

    Excellent Customer Service

    We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service, ensuring that every customer referred by our partners enjoys a seamless and positive experience with Deluxe Art Home Improvement.

    Compliance With All Relevant Laws and Regulations

    We will ensure that the program is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to fair housing, consumer protection, data privacy, and tax compliance.

    Commission Structure

    The commission rate is flexible and may vary based on individual circumstances. For partners who consistently introduce a substantial number of customers or have a bespoke agreement with Deluxe Art Home Improvement, the commission percentage can be revised. Any adjustments made will be explicitly detailed in the contractual agreement between the partner and our company.

    It’s essential to note that the commission is derived from the total gross amount invoiced to the customer. This amount excludes any applicable taxes or additional charges.

    Reporting and Analytics

    The Deluxe Rewards Program boasts a robust reporting and analytics suite, empowering partners to monitor their referrals and earnings in real-time. Accessible through the Deluxe Rewards Portal, partners simply need their username and password to delve into a wealth of information.

    Inside the portal, partners can find:

    • A detailed breakdown of their referrals, showcasing both quantity and status.
    • Comprehensive earnings data, outlining commission amounts and the total value of projects stemming from their referrals.
    • Transparent job details, including all quotes, pricing, and other pertinent information.

    Beyond this, the portal is equipped with advanced analytics tools. These features enable partners to gauge their performance trends, spot emerging patterns, and make informed adjustments to their referral strategies based on concrete data.

    By providing such comprehensive insights, the Deluxe Rewards Program ensures our partners have all the tools they need to optimize their success.